We believe that web sites should be well-organized, visually appealing, and easy to navigate.
People use the Internet to gather information. Users expect to find what they're looking for quickly, and if they don't, they become frustrated and either move on to another site, or quit looking. We design web sites to help consumers find what they need with a minimum of effort.
The technology available for web sites is amazing, and it is easy to be distracted by the latest design tool. Unnecessary graphics can make your site slow to load. Animated icons can be cute the first time you see them, but they quickly become annoying. We stay focused on your site's goals.
"User-friendly" may be an over-used term, but it is critical to web site design. It should be easy for users to move from place to place on your site. They shouldn't have to think too hard about how to get around. When we design your web site, your customers won't waste their time trying to figure it out.