artist's statement

Many artists' statements are full of angst about how the artist is trying to find meaning or discover themselves and, sometimes, make hugely important statements to the world. The reason I do what I do is that I enjoy it. For me, a good piece is one that makes me smile when I'm done. If someone else likes it, so much the better.


I try to absorb something from everything I see whether in art or nature. We learn by observing. If we're not paying attention we never learn and grow.

The biggest influence on my work is my wife, Jane. From the beginning she offered unconditional support, great input and encouragement when the going gets tough.

One other big influence has been my long friendship with Alan May. He is a wonderfully talented artist and has always had an encouraging word to say even when I felt like I couldn't progress any further.

I have been extremely lucky in living in Santa Fe, NM and having Santa Fe Community College as a resource. The instructors there are not only wonderful artists and craftspeople but they always have encouraging words for students.



Le Roi Est Mort
Memphis, TN
Pigment print